Worshipping God

and serving our local community.

 Hello and welcome to our website.

 Nuneaton Christian Fellowship is a group of people of different ages   and backgrounds who have been transformed by following Jesus.

 We love God.

 We believe the Bible.

 We are happy to share our lives with others.

 Click the grey buttons below for quick info.

Find out more about us Need prayer?
How to find us

Come and be part of the NCF family.

Get in touch to find out more details.

Would you like to receive our regular Tuesday Email?

It contains news, links and items for prayer. Let John have your email address.


God has given us so much

- we want to honour Him in our lives.


God is amazing

- we want to know Him more.


God has given so much to us

- we want to bless others.

John: our Minister

John started attending NCF in January 2009. He began working here in January 2016 and was inducted as our Minister in January 2019. He was ordained in October 2021, after studying as a Minister in Training with Elim (2017-2020) and also at Bible College (1986-1989). He has taught people how to play the piano for over 30 years. He is married to Gill and has a son who is in his mid-20s.

He is easy to contact:

ncfjohn@gmail.com     07982 404 951


In February 2020 we redecorated our Main Hall. As well as the whole room getting a lick of paint we installed a large map of the world and 126 flags of different countries. These remind us that as we worship God and serve others, there are billions of people in the world who have never heard that they need a Saviour - Jesus is that Saviour. We intend to continue to look outward to others from our physical base close to the centre of England.


In 2021, the local community raised the funds to purchase a defibrillator for people in the area to use in an emergency. It was attached to the front of our building on 1st September 2021. We are so pleased to help the local residents in this way, though hope it will only be rarely used!

 The LORD is my shepherd,

I lack nothing. (Psalm 23:1)

What's happening in your life?

We'd love to meet you and get to know you.

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