The Bible
All of these downloadable files will inform you about the Bible in different ways. Some of the General ones involve lots of numbers, diagrams and lists. If they don't interest you, then there are plenty of more devotional ones that are to come over the coming months. The main point of this page isn't to purely give you knowledge, but to inspire and encourage you to read the Bible regularly. Use these files to help you understand the bigger picture and then find more resources to help you delve deeper still. Some of the files are still in preparation.
A Short Introduction to how the Bible is divided up into sections
Lengths of each Book of the Bible - according to both number of Chapters and Verses
Every Chapter in the whole Bible in numerical order (arranged by number of Verses)
Numbered order of each Chapter of the Bible, together with how many are left
Facts and stats about the whole Bible
Different English Translations of the Bible - a brief history and comparison
Specific Books of the Bible:
An introduction to each individual book of the Bible. Each A5 page first appeared in our twice monthly Newsletter, with the first guide (on Psalms) appearing on 2nd September 2018 and the final one (on Mark) published on 16th May 2021.
There are many good online resources to help you find more details about specific books of the Bible. Here are some:
Many people have a physical copy of a Bible at home (or perhaps several). There are several really good sites that have the text of numerous translations in multiple languages, as well as audio versions. Some sites make it easy to compare different versions side by side, if you want to meditate on or study a particular passage. Some have reading plans to help you read regularly in a systematic manner. The following is a list of excellent sites that are easy to navigate both on your pc and/or your phone:
UCB's 'Bible Books in 30 Minutes' is explained here. You can listen to any of the podcasts so far published here.
The Bible Project is simply wonderful. As a start you can watch an overview of all the different Old Testament Books one by one here and for the New Testament here. There are many other videos that capture thoughts on general introductions and specific themes.
A person who used to live and work near NCF has a comprehensive website on many aspects of studying the Bible.
The Bible is a big book! Not sure where to start?
Reading the Bible regularly is really important. Aiming to do it every day is a wonderful idea and will bring positive change to your life. Making it a regular time and place will help you to be less distracted from other things. Reading systematically works for many people.
Many people begin with Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. These are at the start of the New Testament and give contemporary accounts of what Jesus did and said. Collectively these four books are called 'The Gospels.' Some people get stuck into the Book of Psalms, which is in the Old Testament. It contains poem-like writings about what the author is experiencing and what they knew about God.
You might prefer to use a formal Reading Plan. Some last for only a short time, whilst there are many plans that would help you read the whole Bible in a year (or longer). A large number of people would follow a different plan each year. Take a look here or here. The Bible Course by The Bible Society is excellent. Many people from NCF undertook the eight sessions in 2019. A new edition is coming out in March 2025. We are anticipating running this Course again in the autumn of 2025.
Some people also use Daily Bible Reading Notes. Different members of NCF's congregation will have their own preferences. Some of these subscriptions are printed booklets and others are digital Take a look at some of these websites:
Life with Lucas Our Daily Bread Every Day with Jesus Encounter with God Daily Bread New Daylight
The important thing is to get started and then to talk to other people about it from time to time. This will encourage you to keep on going, making it a normal part of your daily routine. God will certainly speak to you and help you to grow as a believer if you use any of these resources. Ask John if you have any questions about any of this.
You can contact Rev John Stephenson:
Nuneaton Christian Fellowship, 58 Pallett Drive, Nuneaton, CV11 6LT 07982 404 951
NCF is a Registered Charity (Number 1054011). We are a member of the Elim Network and of the Evangelical Alliance.
We are in fellowship with Nuneaton Christian Network
and assent to the Statement of Faith of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches.
You can find out about Elim Church at a national level here.