The 1905 Revival in Nuneaton

The 1905 Nuneaton Revival

There are vasts amounts of history that we don't know much about. There has been a great deal written about Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival of the early 20th century. On this page you can read about the many hundreds of people who were affected by God around the same time in Nuneaton. Research was primarily undertaken by reading contemporary accounts in three local newspapers: Nuneaton Observer, Nuneaton Chronicle and Midland Counties Tribune.


 What was happening in Nuneaton in the early 20th century wasn't an isolated case of the supernatural occurring. God was at work   in many places around these shores and indeed around the world.

 The UK Wells website lists some what was happening in 1905 here. They also describe the 1862 Revival in Nuneaton here.

  J Edwin Orr, an important researcher and writer about Revivals, wrote an article for the Western Mail of 9th December 1974. In it he   describes some of the places that were affected by the Welsh Revival. Nuneaton is briefly mentioned in the fourth paragraph. You   can read it here.

 An online article from 2002 describes the Welsh Revival and how it didn't just stay in Wales. Nuneaton is mentioned in the tenth   paragraph. You can read that here.

 The Catalyst

 Well over a thousand people decided to follow Jesus and say   He was their Saviour in Nuneaton in 1905. Rev Roderick M   Kedward (1881-1937), who was born in Kent and later became   an MP in that county, was the catalyst for the Revival in our   town. He was a young Wesleyan Methodist Minister at the time.

 His Wikipedia entry is here.

 The Journal of Liberal History (Issue 48 - Autumn 2005) had a   seven page article on him. Entitled "The Fighting Parson" with   the editor's permission you can read it here.


 His obituary appeared in the 1937 Methodist Minutes of   Conference (pp202/3). They kindly supplied this to NCF on 4th   August 2016 and it appears here with their permission.

January 1905


Week commencing 1st:

Week commencing 8th:

Week commencing 15th:

Week commencing 22nd:

Week commencing 29th:

What else was happening in Nuneaton, the British Isles and around the World this month? What other newsworthy items had also happened in previous months prior to 1905?

A series of united prayer meetings lead to an increasing number of converts to Christ.

Expectation is increasing as both adults and children are coming to know Christ as their Saviour.

The first Theatre Service to be held.

Now all three local newspapers are reporting on what is happening.

February 1905


Week commencing 5th:

Week commencing 12th:

Week commencing 19th:

Week commencing 26th:

What else was happening in Nuneaton, the British Isles and around the World this month?

The Sunday evening Theatre Services continue and there is a report on Rev, R.M. Kedward.

Ripples of Revival are spreading from Nuneaton and a brief report on the third Theatre Service.

Reports from Bedworth, Coton and Nuneaton.

God's challenge to Rev. Kedward, together with news from Coton and Atherstone.

March 1905


Week commencing 5th:

Week commencing 12th:

Week commencing 19th:

Week commencing 26th:

What else was happening in Nuneaton, the British Isles and around the World this month?

April 1905


Week commencing 16th:

What else was happening in Nuneaton, the British Isles and around the World this month?

May 1905


Week commencing 14th:

Week commencing 21st:

What else was happening in Nuneaton, the British Isles and around the World this month?

If you have any information, diaries, photos etc that would help us to understand this Revival please get in touch. The main purpose of this page is to remind us of what God has done in the past. This might encourage and challenge us to pray fervently that God will again act in mercy on Nuneaton and the British Isles in the 2020s.

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