Discovery Page I

Discovery Page I

On this page you will see many pdf files that you will be able to download. They will eventually cover a broad range of subjects. Some have dates on them, but of course these can be ignored. Work through any of them when you like and at your own pace. Perhaps have a look at the videos too.

The Christian Institute weekly News Bulletin

These 'Thought for the Month' posters have been produced each month since September 2022.

If you look at them all here, can you remember what was happening at the time to inspire the poster?

This Plan will help you to read through the 1st Book of Psalms. Quite a few of us did this in April and May 2016. Perhaps try it yourself!

In October and November 2016 a good number of us read through Acts and 1 Corinthains using this Plan. You're welcome to take a look and use it too.

Many of us read through Chronicles and Kings as well as various Prophets in January and February 2017. Have a look and see if it something you would like to complete too.

Get to know Peter by reading through much of the Gospels, Acts and his two Epistles. Many people in NCF did this in July and August 2017. Perhaps print it off so that you can read it too?

Read through the book of Isaiah and some of the prophet's background, as well as some of the connections to other parts of the Bible. Many people at NCF used this Plan in April and May 2018. The given dates are purely a guide - use it at your own pace and when it is relevant for you.

In October and November 2018 we studied the Seven Churches in Revelation. Use this plan to also read through the Apostle John's Gospel and Epistle as a background too.

In January and February 2020 we studied the Book of Ezekiel on a Sunday morning. Many people used this plan to help them read through the Book at home, as well as to gain some background information in what was happening internationally in the 6th century BC.

In January and February 2021 we studied the two Epistles Paul wrote to the Church in the Greek port city of Thessalonica. Many used this plan to help them learn more.

This Paper gives the background to the lengths of the reigns of all the Kings of both Kingdoms, as well as Scripture references and the Prophets who were 'working' at that time. Some questions help us to apply the truths of what we read to our own lives. Many of us worked through this material in January and February 2017.

The same file as above but for a different printer size.

57 PBDs are listed to inspire and encourage us as we pray. This Paper was produced for the Prayer Series in October and November 2017.

The same file as above but for a different printer size.

Prayer Videos

 Take a journey around twenty one centres of Christian mission and outreach around Nuneaton. Each place has a photo, an address,   the name of the leader there, together with a thought to get you started in praying. This video was prepared for an Ecumenical   Service at Pentecost 2020.

 Praying for others

 Since January 2020 we have been sending out a weekly email on a Tuesday. Prayer is always encouraged in this email. In 2020 and   2021 we spent time praying for other churches in our Borough and for other Elim churches within 80 miles of Nuneaton. In 2020 we   did this by using a list of churches, with a little information about each one and a Scripture. The Archive is below. Click the link if you   want to discover more.

1: January - June 2020 (26 different churches)     2: July - December 2020 (22 different churches)

 Since the start of 2022 we have been praying for a different street each week. We want people to be encouraged in their lives and   for local businesses to succeed. As we pray for the people who live and work within about a mile of our building, so we know that   situations and challenges will become more positive.


 We sing a wide variety of songs at NCF! Some have been written very recently, whilst others are centuries old. We sing a good   mixture of songs from the United Kingdom, United States and Australia, as well as some other nations.

2016-2018: 318 different songs were sung on a Sunday morning - see the titles and frequencies here.

2019-2021: 287 different songs were sung on a Sunday morning - see the titles and frequencies here.

2022-2024: 330 different songs were sung on a Sunday morning and at Refocus - see the list here.

2019-2021: 92 different hymns were sung on a Sunday evening - see the titles and frequencies here.

2022-2024: 109 different hymns were sung on a Sunday evening - see the titles and frequencies here.

A summary list of the songs we sang at least four times in each year from 2016-2024 is here.

Research on Personal Devotion Times

 In February 2025 we are carrying out research as to how people spend their regular 'Quiet Times' with God. The questionnaire can   be investigated here. Once the data has been collected and collated the results will be published here in March 2025.

 Nuneaton and Bedworth Equality and Diversity Profile 2016

 Warwickshire County Council published a series of data describing our Borough in 2016. It used statistics gathered from the 2011   Census. This Profile covered things such as population age groups, main languages spoken if not English, country of birth, religion   and if people have any disabilities. You can read the five page report here.

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